
Finally freeing myself from EasyCGI

Or, EasyCGI is a horrible web hosting company. Or, EasyCGI sucks.. This site was previously hosted by a great little firm called Webstrike Solutions. They were responsive to any issues that arose, my site was decently fast loading and I basically never even thought about my hosting. Then, in March, the company was aquired by EasyCGI. There were lots of falling bricks, but I tried to be patient. I know how difficult migrations can be and I assumed that the move would be beneficial in the long term.…


Is this thing on?

So, I signed up for Google Analytics because my current host offers automatic setup. I also seem to have stopped getting all of the spam attempts now that I’m using WordPress instead of Movable Type. The end result? I can now determine at a high level of accuracy that no one reads this site other than me. Like millions of other bloggers, I am literally whistling in the wind. That’s kind of zen in a rock garden, sand painting type of way, isn’t it?…


Pickabar Blog Lives!

My blog has been dead since March 17th, through no fault of my own. The company who I’ve been hosting pickabar.com with for a few years, Web Strike Solutions, was purchased by easyCGI. The email notifications I received from Web Strike assured me that the transition would be seamless and that they would be manually testing every site to make sure that it was up and running. I’ve been in IT long enough to worry, but I figured I’d cross my fingers and see how things went.…
