I have used both Python and Aqueon water changers for years with great success. I can’t imagine changing water on a larger tank with buckets.
When I moved to Queens, my old tubes did not reach to the bathroom sink that I use for refilling the tank. I ordered the Python Hose Extension which includes a connector and an additional tube that would allow me to reach the target sink.…
Barebottom was very easy to keep clean and I liked the look of it. Unfortunately, I decided to paint the bottom of my tank mostly blue. It didn’t seem like a big deal at first, but after six or so months it started to bother me. So, I caved.
I didn’t want to spend a ton of money on substrate, so I decided to buy pool filter sand. Lots of people online had posted positive feedback on it.…
We moved, so I decided to take the opportunity to switch to a new tank. The old tank was a bow front and I really didn’t like it. If you looked at the tank from directly in front of it, it was great. Sometimes the fish looked as if they were floating. If you looked at the tank from even a slight angle, you were suddenly hit by weird distortions due to reflection and refraction.…
The tank has been going for three years and 2 months now. Unfortunately, we lost our last pleco this month. So, not counting tetras, that’s three deaths so far.
…and yes, I re-did the layout again. Having the plants on the left side of the tank killed all of the water flow across the substrate. Having the plants on the left side also hides some of the electronics and some of the detritus that builds up between weekly water changes.…
I just realized that it has been almost a year since my last tank update. I hope I can make up for that with a larger than usual batch of photos. The tank is still going strong, although I did remove most of the Amazon Swords to give the discus more room to swim.
I hope you enjoy!…
On Friday we made our second attempt at home-made discus food. Sarah mixed the following ingredients in a Cuisinart food processor that we bought for the purpose:
1/4 pound of medium shrimp (about 8-10) A handful of Ocean Nutrition Prime Reef flake for color. 7 cloves of garlic We plan on adding some green leafy vegetables to the mix in the future, but we wanted to start out with a simple ingredient list.…
I can’t believe how long it’s been since I’ve posted! In my defense, I got married, had a kid and got a new job in the meantime. You can imagine that blog posts slid pretty low on my priority list! To be honest with you, I’m proud that I’ve even been able to keep up with my water changes.
At any rate, here’s a two for one update on my tank:…