
Vi Bindings in Node Repl

I fell in love with Vim about three or so years ago and now I prefer to have vi bindings whenever I edit text. Luckily, I’m not alone on that front and many developers have created extensions and utilities to keep our hands safely on the home row. There’s Vimium for browsing in Chrome, a vi mode for ZLE the zsh line editor (as well as readline for BASH and other shells) and even Zathura for the rare occasions where I need to view PDF files.…


I added a Geordi SSH banner to my VPS

I love Star Trek. It was the first show I ever saw that featured black people who were successful because of their intelligence and education and not “street smarts” or “hip sense of humor”. Let’s be honest, it was rare to see black people on TV who weren’t criminals, or servants, or magic negros or other things that I couldn’t relate to as a young black computer nerd. Then there was Star Trek.…
