
Que Calor!

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There&#8217;s no quicker way to get yelled at by the special lady in your life than getting caught admiring the female form too intently. I can understand to a point, but I really can&#8217;t imagine getting mad at my sweetie for innocent looks. If someone of the opposite sex is in good shape and wearing revealing clothes, how exactly is a warm-blooded post-pubescent not supposed to be interested in taking a gander? Let&#8217;s be realistic, a guy looking at a girl in a halter top walking down Broadway on a hot day has no thoughts what-so-ever that they are somehow going to wind up meeting or dating the person. They just find them attractive. 

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I have a beautiful girlfriend who is a wonderful, supporting person. I&#8217;m completely satisfied and not looking for anyone else. But I do look ;). 

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(I&#8217;ll let you know if I sleep on the couch tonight) 

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While I&#8217;m on the subject, 
<a href="http://www.gothamist.com">Gothamist</a> has a post today on <a href="http://www.gothamist.com/archive/002773.php">street harrassment</a> that I don&#8217;t agree with at all. As is all too common, they (and <a href="http://www.streetharassmentproject.org/">the militants</a> they link to) lump anyone who says anything to a women on the street into the same bucket. I can totally understand that no one, female or male for that matter, should be verbally abused on the street or should have their personal space invaded. That said, I don&#8217;t think you can equate someone saying &#8220;Hey, Gorgeous&#8221; to someone they think is attractive with someone saying &#8220;Hey *((&(, damn you look hot&#8221;. Doing so tars decent guys who might actually hope to meet someone in what might be considered a naive or inelegant manner with the same brush as someone who is being brutishly aggressive because of their own issues. <a name="a000065more"></a><a id="more"></a> 

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Of course, some will counter that anyone trying to meet people by saying &#8220;Hey, Baby&#8221; on the street is wasting their time. I&#8217;d agree, if I hadn&#8217;t seen much cruder statements succeed many a time. In fact, I&#8217;ve seen the story enough times that I&#8217;m not even flabbergasted anymore: 

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    Boy shouts something rude at a girl.
    Girl stops to yell at boy for his rude statement.
    Boy strikes up conversation with the Girl.
    Boy walks away with Girl&#8217;s number.

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I know what you&#8217;re thinking. Those girls must have been hood rats or something. To be honest, in most cases they were. However, I&#8217;ve seen even friends of mine who I consider intelligent thoughtful people become interested in guys who could charitably be described as neanderthals. Generally these guys were young guys in great shape (and often wearing wife beaters&#8230;hey, wait a minute). Again, I&#8217;m not nearly as surprised now-a-days. 

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Even Blossom (my one and only reader) likes the roughnecks! 

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Admittedly, I&#8217;m not the type of guy to yell at a passerby on the street. I can&#8217;t even imagine doing it. When I was single, I was the type of guy who introduced himself politely, asked a girl about her interests and tried to find common ground. To be honest, it worked a lot less often than the &#8220;Hey, Baby&#8221; method. Then again I wasn&#8217;t chiseled and wearing a wife beater. 

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One of my high school friends was notorious for saying rude sexual things to groups of girls he&#8217;d just met. I&#8217;ve seen him get slapped, get cursed at, and even almost get beaten up by another friend who didn&#8217;t appreciate the topics of conversation he chose. But I&#8217;ve also seen him meet beautiful, really cool girls. Several of them turned into long term relationships. 

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Often I&#8217;d spend a chunk of a night talking to a girl I&#8217;d just met only to have him stroll up, say something rude, and wind up taking the girl home. I don&#8217;t understand it, and I&#8217;m not going to do it, but it&#8217;s unrealistic to think he&#8217;d change the behavior that was so sucessful for him. It&#8217;s also unrealistic to categorize him as anti-women. 

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Definitely check out the 
<a href="http://www.streetharassmentproject.org/">Street Harassment Project</a>(the aforementioned militants) site, for gems like: 

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<img align="center" src="http://www.streetharassmentproject.org/images/publicspace.gif" /> 

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Great inclusive statement, I&#8217;m thinking of making a donation. Or here&#8217;s another illuminating line from their 
<a href="http://www.streetharassmentproject.org/missionstatementbeliefs.html">belief statement</a>: 

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  We realize that some women do not consider to be harassment what we consider to be harassment. While we recognize every woman&#8217;s right to define for herself what she considers &#8220;harassment,&#8221; we are cognizant of the fact that all women are continually being intimidated into &#8220;playing along to get along,&#8221; as well as being constantly pressured to prove&#8211;even to ourselves&#8211;that we are &#8220;attractive.&#8221; We do not forget that this is a game in which men set the terms and women are punished if we do not comply. </p>

  Great, so only women are pressed into the pressure of the appearances game. A game in which men set the rules. Now, I&#8217;ve never been a woman, so I can&#8217;t understand their struggle. But the idea that men aren&#8217;t judged by appearances, or that men are the ones who are solely responsible for our society&#8217;s superficialness must have been written by someone who has never been a chubby guy with acne. 
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  Personally, I subscribe to another credo: 
      Generalizations are only generally helpful. <li>
        People should be able to do anything they like, as long as they don&#8217;t interfere with other people&#8217;s right to do what they want
        Inclusiveness is almost always better than exclusiveness.
    I may have to start my own &#8220;.org&#8221;. 
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    Jeez, the heat must be effecting me&#8230; no more rants, lists or run on sentences for today! Probably. 
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