
G is the Seventh Letter

<h1> G is the Seventh Letter </h1> <p> </a> </p></p> <p> <a href="/images/GistheSeventhLetter_FE1F/fakesgivingharlequinhat.jpg"><br /> <img style="border-right-width: 0px; display: block; float: none; border-top-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; margin-left: auto; border-left-width: 0px; margin-right: auto" title="fakesgiving-harlequin-hat" border="0" alt="fakesgiving-harlequin-hat" src="/images/GistheSeventhLetter_FE1F/fakesgivingharlequinhat_thumb.jpg" width="186" height="244" /><br /> </a> </p> <p> [<a href="http://www.pickabar.com/music/pickabar%20-%20g%20is%20the%20seventh%20letter.mp3">Download MP3</a>] </p> <p> </center><br /> <a name="a000603more"></a><br /> <a id="more"></a> </div>…


Canned Applause

<h1> � </h1> <h1> Canned Applause </h1> <p> </a><br /> <i>Music C. Bolton, Lyrics Pickabar Copyright 2008</i> </p> <p> Old photographs <br />always stay the same <br />A cozy slice of time <br />bottled up in a frame </p> <p> but they&#8217;re unreliable <br />like memories in your brain <br />they tell the kind of lies <br />that might drive you quite insane </p> <p> Memories of the past <br />so gloriously false <br />like your drunken uncle <br />who stumbles and then falls </p> <p> hyperbole is dangerous <br />false praise should give you pause <br />because it turns to slander <br />don&#8217;t be damned by canned applause </p> <blockquote> <p> Don&#8217;t be &#8211; damned by canned applause!…


It Don’t Matter What They Call You

<h1> <a href="http://www.pickabar.com/music/pickabar%20-%20it%20don’t%20matter.mp3">It Don&#8217;t Matter</a> </h1> <p> <a href="http://www.pickabar.com/music/pickabar%20-%20it%20don’t%20matter.mp3"><br /> </a> </p> <h1> <a href="http://www.pickabar.com/music/pickabar%20-%20it%20don’t%20matter.mp3">(What They Call You)</a> </h1> <p> <a href="http://www.pickabar.com/music/pickabar%20-%20it%20don’t%20matter.mp3"> </a> </p> <p> They&#8217;ll tell you that you are a failure<br /> say it&#8217;s all a matter of mental health,<br /> They&#8217;ll rip you to pieces if you let them<br /> just cause they&#8217;ve got glue to sell. </p> <p> It don&#8217;t matter what they call you,<br /> if you&#8217;ve got pride within yourself.…


Vinyl Fetishists

<blockquote> <p> We are vinyl fetishists <br />There&#8217;s nothing we love better than digging in crates <br />Who loves vinyl? we love vinyl! <br />you&#8217;ll be hooked in one taste </p> </blockquote> <p> A little taste of magic <br />in a disc made out of plastic <br />the needle hits that spot <br />and your body turns spastic </p> <p> There&#8217;s something about the bass <br />each sound in it&#8217;s proper place <br />polyvinyl chloride <br />pushing sine waves right up in your face </p> <blockquote> <p> Chorus </p> </blockquote> <p> Hoping for the big score <br />never happens anymore <br />prices shooting through the roof <br />of every 2nd hand store </p> <p> Dollar&#8217;s weaker every day <br />records head the euro way <br />global market&#8217;s gone insane <br />every pawn shop&#8217;s got ebay </p> <blockquote> <p> Chorus </p> </blockquote> <p> The world is changing rapidly <br />we spend our time vapidly <br />an iWorld full of iDiots <br />all thinking iDentically </p> <p> There&#8217;s nothing wrong with mp3s <br />convenience or ease <br />but the moon&#8217;s turned Velveeta <br />and I&#8217;m still holding out for cheese </p> <blockquote> <p> Chorus </p> </blockquote> <p> [<a href="http://www.…


Pinto Beans

<td valign="top" width="312"> <p> I&#8217;ve always loved Jamaican Music. Reggae, Rocksteady, Dub and even a little Ska and Dancehall. Some Ska. A little Dancehall. </p> <p> Jamaican music has always had a unique proclivity for digesting culture and synthesizing musical and cultural mutations. It was post-modern before post-modern existed. It challenged the rigid corporate concepts of originality and copyright before the internet had inspired those in the wider world to see that the emperor had no clothes.…


Not That I&#039;ve Stopped Making Music

<blockquote> <a href="http://www.pickabar.com/music/pickabar%20-%20if%20not%20now%20then%20never.mp3"><br /> <h1> If Not Now Then Never </h1> <p> </a> <p> � </p> </p> <p> I&#8217;m much more of a coward than I&#8217;ve ever been a saint, <br />So I find myself embittered hands covered in yellow paint, <br />I muster up my best toothy grin to prove to her I don&#8217;t care, <br />While some rich kid in a zeppelin t-shirt runs his fingers through her hair.…


Feliz Navidad!

<h1> Feliz Navidad </h1> <p> </a> </p> <p> <a name="a000581more"></a><br /> <a id="more"></a> </div>…


Sunday, Boxes, Etc.

<h1> Sunday, Boxes, Etc. </h1> <p> </a><br /> </p> <p> <a name="a000580more"></a><br /> <a id="more"></a> </div>…


You Are My Sunshine!

<h1> Pickabar &#8211; You Are My Sunshine </h1> <p> </a> </p> <p> I&#8217;m on vacation, so expect a lot of silliness. </p> <p> <a name="a000578more"></a><br /> <a id="more"></a> </div>…
