Hey, it’s only January and I’ve already finished the first pickabar tune of 2012. Hopefully this means the flood gates are opening and I can outdo 2011’s measly song output. Enjoy!
Dress Well, Drink Heavily I grew up in basements and garages
my grandma had to work two jobs
Some people said that I was garbage
but I never begged and I never robbed…
Jackie and Mr. Perfect are our only paired off discus. They have spawned on quite a few occasions, but the eggs have never survived for more than a day or two. However, this time the eggs hatched and we have wigglers!
I feel incredibly lucky to have witnessed what is the miracle of life continuing itself. Unfortunately, we have neither the means nor the desire to raise fry…so we’re hoping that they get eaten.…
Everybody knows that everything would be great if only everyone else wasn’t so self-centered and unwilling to sacrifice for the greater good. –Pickabar
Yeah, I just quoted myself.…
Two out of our group of six discus passed away during our first thirteen months of discus keeping. Discus live in groups of 300 and even up to 500 in the wild. It makes sense, then, that they don’t do as well in groups smaller then five. We were lucky enough to get two new 4” fish from Discus Hans on December 6th. They are going to live in a QT tank for about two months in order to make sure they are happy, healthy and a lot bigger by the time they meet their new friends in our display tank.…