
2010: The future is now!

Ah, 2010. A year that should have been filled with jetpacks and robotic butlers, but which will instead be populated with the un- and underemployed and tea baggers. What can you do? I choose to buy records and go dancing. 2009 was not a great year for me. I don’t have very high hopes for 2010, but I do plan on increasing my batting average when it comes to accomplishing goals.…


So Soon

So soon! Too soon. Just as my gloves were finally adjusted as I had tightened my belt just so I realized that the game had already ended spring’s fecundity buried dead beneath the snow. And though I searched and searched for anyone to challenge with my appeals I finally dropped my bat at last unable to halt the one true unceasing wheel. Too soon!…


Phantom Menace review on YouTube

This is why YouTube is great. If you’re a Star Wars fan and a grump, you’ll love it. Watch the whole seven part series.…


Year End Re-cap

The end of the decade, my third on the earth, is nigh. I guess you know you’re getting older when the dates start sounding like science fiction. Twenty ten? Seriously? Isn’t that like when Buck Rodgers was supposed to be doing his thing? Anyway, time for a 2009 recap. In January, I posted my goals for the year: Get back under 250 lbs. I did. Then I ran right back over it.…


Real Danger

So, the last song of 2009. Wow, it sounds weird to say that. The end of 2009. You know what’s funny? Our country is going to hell in a hand basket, but instead of working on real solutions we spend our time obsessing about athlete’s sex lives and watching so called reality TV. The earth is going through serious changes as the American way of life spreads the religion of consumption and dissipation around the planet.…


Some RegEx for stripping titles out of wpl files

[I’m posting this mainly so google will remember it for me] I don’t have a program to automatically rip the titles out of WPL playlists for making covers and that type of things. So, when the need arises, I use Notepad++ and a little bit of Regular Expression magic. Unfortunately, I always forget to save the syntax. Here goes:  Replace: <.+.+-(.+).mp3.+> With: \1  It doesn’t work for WAV or WMA files at the moment, but I’ll fix that at some point.…


Let's Get Drunk!

Man, I can’t believe I never posted this tune. Here goes! There are two parts to my brain. The creative part just keeps pumping out ideas and I do my best never to get in it’s way. Then there’s the second part of my brain, the editor. He likes to ruminate, to filter, to contextualize. He’s the one that hammers and polishes those raw ideas into something. He’s just as important to the process.…


Another item crossed off the life goals list

I’ve written about my punk band 45 Adapters before, but I’ve completely forgotten to mention the fact that our debut EP has been released!

You can pick up a copy at Interpunk, Longshot Music or Contra Records. It feels very rewarding scratching another item off of my life goals list. My high school band BOTB never completed our planned release. We did appearing on a compilation and a split 7” with The Templars, but nothing under our own name.


Finally freeing myself from EasyCGI

Or, EasyCGI is a horrible web hosting company. Or, EasyCGI sucks.. This site was previously hosted by a great little firm called Webstrike Solutions. They were responsive to any issues that arose, my site was decently fast loading and I basically never even thought about my hosting. Then, in March, the company was aquired by EasyCGI. There were lots of falling bricks, but I tried to be patient. I know how difficult migrations can be and I assumed that the move would be beneficial in the long term.…
