Yet more proof that we’re living in the future. Talk To Me is a free translation app for Android that I highly recommend. You say a phrase in English and your phone repeats the phrase in the language of your choice. Sweet!…
I’ve always been a big fan of Windows Media Player. It’s not the fastest program in the world, but it’s a Ferrari compared to ITunes, at least on Windows. I’ve never really felt the need to look into fancier third party media managers. Until now.
Here’s how I listen to music on my PC. I skim through my library picking different tunes from different albums and build a playlist on the fly.…
[Disclaimer: I worked for MSFT for years and I’m still a fan boy. I also, as an alumni, got my copies of Win7 for a discounted price. YMMV, etc.]
I built my current desktop PC “Lord Vader” in March of 2007 (yes, I’m dork). Since then, I’ve upgraded the CPU, added more memory and added more hard drives. With those small investments I’ve still got a pretty decent hot rod on my hands, without having had to buy a new machine.…
So far I’m loving my the Samsung Saga which I got as a replacement for my series of broken Samsung i760s. Unfortunately, Verizon Wireless were up to there usual shenanigans and they purposefully disabled both GPS and Windows Live connectivity in the phone’s ROM. I had a copy of the Windows Live bits sitting around, but I was unable to find any kind of hack to get the GPS working.…
<p> Sound silly? I don’t use either brand, I’m just trying to make a point. Isn’t it silly that so many people use their choice of Computer to improve their self-worth? </p>…